Abu Bakar Abi Maryam melaporkan bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda :

"Akan tiba suatu zaman dimana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham (untuk digunakan)"

Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Written by  Sam Chee Kong

Apakah harga emas kembali naik?Sejak berabad lamanya, emas telah dikenali sebagai satu cara menonjolkan kekayaan seseorang dan memainkan peranan penting dalam jual-beli kuasa. Semasa tamadun pemerintahan Mesir dan Yunani lagi, emas digunakan bukan hanya untuk tujuan kecantikkan, tetapi juga sebagai cara berjual-beli dan sebagai satu kuasa mengubah nasib seseorang itu. Namun begitu, apa sahaja yang mempunyai nilai ke atasnya, pasti akan ada mekanisme jatuh-bangun nilainya.
Pasaran emas dilihat stabil baru-baru ini sejak diniagakan pada bulan Ogos iaitu setinggi $1927 dan serendah $1529 pada 16 September lalu. Kemeruapan petunjuk VIX dikatakan sebagai punca penstabilan hasil bumi itu. Di dalam artikel terdahulu kami, kami ada menyarankan penjualan di bulan Ogos selepas sedikit gencatan di dalam harga Emas. Jadi ke mana kita sekarang?
Mengambil kedua-dua pandangan terkini politik dan ekonomi di serata dunia, kami telah sampai kepada satu rumusan yang masa untuk memberikan keyakinan terhadap Emas sudah menyinar. Masa untuk berkeyakinan pada Emas pada masa ini adalah berasaskan alasan-alasan fundamental dan teknikal.
Secara fundamentalnya, ada banyak sebab kenapa harga Emas akan melonjak naik.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Salam sejahtera pembaca sekalian,
Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah SWT kerana kita telah di panjangkan usia dan diperkenankan olehNya untuk menimba satu lagi ilmu pengetahuan yang baru dalam mendekatkan diri kita denganNya.
Di dalam saya membuat kajian tentang kelebihan emas dan perak, terdetik di dalam diri saya, apa jua yang berlaku di dalam kehidupan manusia baik dari segi hukum agama serta muamalah semestinya telah diceritakan di dalam Al-Quran dan hadis.
Salah satu mukjizat Rasulullah SAW adalah Al-Quran
MINGGU ini saya bercerita sedikit tentang emas sebagai pelaburan. Sebenarnya emas sudah menjadi bahan pelaburan sejak harganya mula-mula diselaraskan pada tahun 1717 oleh Sir Isaac Newton.
Pada tahun 1971, emas tidak lagi terikat dengan Dolar Amerika dan diperdagangkan secara bebas. Pada 6 Oktober 2009 baru-baru ini, harga emas di pasaran emas dunia melonjak sebanyak AS$24.60 kepada AS$1,041.80 seauns sehari.
1. Melabur di dalam saham
2. Melabur di dalam hartanah
3. Menambahkan ilmu
4. Menjual barangan yang anda tidak perlukan lagi
5. Mendapatkan kerja sambilan
6. Menyewakan bilik yang tidak digunakan
7. Memulakan perniagaan
8. Menyertai syarikat jualan langsung (Multi Level Marketing)
9. Balajar bagaimana untuk menjual
10. menjana wang di Internet
11. Dapatkan kenaikan gaji atau pekerjaan kedua
Mengubah cara anda berfikir
13. Meningkatkan nilai anda
14. Dapatkan kerja tambahan
15. Dapatkan wang daripada badan kebajikan atau badan-badan bantuan jika anda layak
16. Memasuki kelas untuk mempalajari kemahiran tambahan
17. Beli syarikat kecil yang sudah kukuh dan berjaya
18. Mulakan blog "menjana wang" di Internet
19. Melabur dalam komoditi
20. Jadikan syarikat anda syarikat awam
21. Kurangkan membayar cukai
22. Mempelajari dagangan mata wang asing (FOREX) - perlu banyak kajian
23. Melabur dalam unit amanah
24. Dapatkan tajaan atau bantuan daripada ahli keluarga, jika anda berani

Today's inflation figure stands at 0.5 percent. And, although there was negative inflation in June, the 12-month figures are all alarmingly high, topping out at 3.6 percent.
Does that mean it's really and finally back, for sure? We're afraid so.
The Fed has one time-tested way of doing this, which is to strip out food and energy prices: if you do that, inflation was just 0.2% last month, and 1.8% over the past year. Meanwhile, energy costs have gone haywire:
Macam mana nak kenal aset dan macam mana nak kenal liabiliti. Tahukah anda apabila kita dapat mengenal pasti dan memahami apa itu aset dan apa itu liabiliti, maka kita berpeluang mencapai "tahap menghampiri jutawan". Ini kerana 99% manusia di dunia ini telah membazirkan usia mereka dengan membeli liabiliti. Hanya 1% manusia sahaja yang betul-betul membeli aset dalam hidup mereka. Dan golongan 1% ni benar-benar memahami apa yang dikatakan aset dan apa yang dikatakan liabiliti.

EMAS lebih sinonim sebagai salah satu barangan perhiasan kaum hawa selain daripada berlian dan mutiara. Begitulah tahap pengetahuan saya tentang EMAS suatu ketika dahulu. Kenapa ia mahal dan berharga, saya sendiri tidak pasti pada waktu itu.

Sunday, 25 September 2011
September 24, 2011
The drop in gold price was the worst since the 2008 banking crisis. — Reuters pic
NEW YORK,  Sept 24 —  Gold prices slumped more than US$100 (RM300) an ounce yesterday, the biggest fall on record in dollar terms, as traders sold to cover losses, while global stocks edged up on expectations the European Central Bank will take new measures to contain the euro zone debt crisis.
Written by Lim Siew May of theedgemalaysia.com    

KUALA LUMPUR: Gold’s reign as a safe haven investment is strengthening. The price of the precious metal has almost doubled within a year — it was traded at only US$1,192.51 (RM3,584.69) an ounce a year ago and hit a high of US$1,800 an ounce on Aug 11.
As an investment, gold is held mainly for capital appreciation. But its popularity and security has prompted lenders to create a new mode of financing. Islamic pawnbroking schemes offered by Bank Rakyat and Agrobank allow borrowers to use gold coins or jewellery as collateral. Designed to adhere to Islamic laws, borrowers pay a safe-keeping fee, as opposed to a compounding interest rate.
Friday, 23 September 2011
A recently released WikiLeaks cable shows that China is converting much of its foreign holdings in gold; far away from the U.S. dollar.
A majority of China's gold reserves are located here in the U.S and in some European countries.
While the U.S. and Europe have an alternative agenda to dissuade people from viewing gold as an international reserve currency, China's upping their ante. In doing so, China aims to push other countries towards reserving in more and more in gold; leaving the U.S dollar by the wayside.
1) Economy
The U.S. manufacturing base has been shipped overseas. The few jobs being created are in the service industry or government sector. The official unemployment rate hovers near 10%, and 1 out of every 8 Americans is on food stamps. The 2008 economic implosion destroyed the real estate market, sent foreclosures skyrocketing, and swallowed up a nearly $1 trillion bailout... and yet, most experts predict the worst is still to come.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Dari segi bahasa:
 Kebersihan, kesucian dan memperbaiki
 Kesuburan dan pertambahan
Dari segi istilah syara’ :
Mengeluarkan sebahagian dari harta tertentu untuk diberikan kepada orang-orang yang berhak menerimanya apabila telah memenuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan.
Monday, 12 September 2011
LONDON (Reuters) - The euro and growth-linked currencies may fall on Monday, hit by a lack of concrete measures from Group of Seven finance chiefs to address either faltering growth, the escalating euro zone debt crisis, or exchange rate volatility.
The dollar, yen and, to a lesser extent, Swiss franc are set to advance with more investors seeking safe-haven currencies on the back of rising financial market stress.
That will raise the risk of more solo intervention from Japanese and Swiss authorities.
The flight to safety should drive core government bonds like German Bunds and British gilts higher, leading to wider spreads over euro zone peripheral debt, while European banking shares may ease on mounting worries about contagion engulfing bigger economies like Italy and Spain.
Finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of Seven industrialized nations pledged to respond in a concerted matter to a global slowdown. However, they offered no specific steps and differed in emphasis on Europe's debt crisis.
Hedge funds run by Orix Investment Corp., Superfund and Four Elements Capital Management Pte benefited from the surge in gold last month, weathering the U.S. sovereign downgrade and Europe’s deepening debt crisis.
The Orix Commodities Fund, which uses computer programs to search for price signals in futures markets, gained 3.5 percent in August, while Superfund Blue Gold, which invests in global equities and tracks the bullion price, jumped 13.45 percent, the firms said. Gold investments in the Earth Element Fund, run by former commodity traders at BNP Paribas (BNP) and JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), returned 1 percent, helping trim losses in the fund.
Gold surpassed $1,900 an ounce for the first time in August as investors sought protection for their wealth on concerns that global economic growth is slowing. The Eurekahedge Hedge Fund Index lost 1.9 percent in August and the MSCI World Index slid 7.3 percent, their worst month since May 2010.
“Gold has become a very volatile asset class so if you’re good at trading through the volatility you can profit from it,” said Peter Douglas, principal of Singapore-based GFIA Pte, which advises investors seeking to allocate money to hedge funds and runs a wealth-management business.

(Reuters) - The global economic slowdown has brought emerging Asia's rate-hiking cycle to a premature pause and the next step could be easing if the United States slides into a recession or Europe's debt troubles spawn a full-blown financial crisis.
Central banks in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines said on Thursday that inflation pressures were abating, and predicted they will get more relief as the weakening world economy chills demand.
This is not a sure bet. It assumes that a large portion of the price pressure emanates from abroad rather than from domestic demand, which may not be the case in countries such as China where growth remains strong.
But a look back at the 2008 financial crisis shows that many Asian countries are in a better position to respond to another downward spiral now should the need arise.
Even though inflation is running too hot for comfort across the region, it is lower now than it was in 2008 for some economies, including Indonesia and the Philippines.

MILAN | Fri Sep 9, 2011 8:18pm IST
(Reuters) - Gold demand, which dropped in the second quarter of this year, is expected to strengthen by the end of 2011, driven by robust jewellery buying in India and China and recovery in investment demand, senior World Gold Council (WGC) officials said.
Overall gold demand fell 17 percent year-on-year in the three months from April to June to 919.8 tonnes, hammered by a sharp drop in investment demand which offset a tentative recovery in jewellery buying, the gold mining industry-funded WGC said in August.
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Posted by Wealth Wire - Friday, September 2nd, 2011

Gold is for wealth preservation and silver is for bartering. If we are talking about protecting wealth in the amount of several million dollars then a good spread to own in precious metals would be 80% gold and 20% silver. If we are talking about a “Mad Max” scenario where we are trying to set ourselves up for a black market bartering system then a good spread would be 75% silver and 25% gold. I will leave it to you to determine what would be an appropriate ratio for you based on the assets you are trying to protect.
gold graph 9 2

Posted by Brittany Stepniak - Thursday, September 8th, 2011

It's wedding season in India and nothing says "I love you" like a beautifully, ornate golden necklace or a shiny block of solid investment.
                    gold necklace
The demand for these physical gold commodities are sky-rocketing as gold prices dipped yesterday after setting another new all-time record high earlier this week.
On Tuesday September 6, 2011, 10:07 am EDT

Gold is up 1.7%, or $32, to $1,909 an ounce after the  Swiss National Bank  capped the  Swiss franc   exchange rate with the euro at 1.20. Investors are also pouring into the alternative currency as Eurozone markets fell hard yesterday and U.S. markets are opening down over 2%. Italy tumbled 5.3%, Germany fell 5.5% and France dropped 4.9%.
Investing Insights: Will Gold Become Collateral for a Euro Zone Bailout?
Relatedly, Wall St. Cheat Sheet Chief Commodities Analyst Eric McWhinnie examined a new  Wikileaks  release revealing the thought process behind gold and fiat currencies such as the U.S. Dollar and Euro .  The new release says, “China increases it gold reserves in order to kill two birds with one stone.  The China Radio International sponsored newspaper World News Journal (Shijie Xinwenbao)(04/28):

SINGAPORE: The global economic slowdown has brought emerging Asia's rate-hiking cycle to a premature pause and the next step could be easing if the United States slides into a recession or Europe's debt troubles spawn a full-blown financial crisis.

Central banks in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines said on Thursday that inflation pressures were abating, and predicted they will get more relief as the weakening world economy chills demand.

This is not a sure bet. It assumes that a large portion of the price pressure emanates from abroad rather than from domestic demand, which may not be the case in countries such as China where growth remains strong.

As the dollar continues its fall against other world currencies, it makes imports and foreign travel more expensive for Americans. But some investors have cashed in on the trend -- by investing in mutual funds and ETFs that trade in currencies.
Currency exchange-traded funds and mutual funds -- all of which bet on the dollar's movement against one or more currencies -- are growing quickly, though still a niche product. In the first seven months of the year, they took in nearly $2.8 billion in new cash from investors, sending their assets up 37% from the year before, according to Morningstar Inc.
Most of these funds bet against the dollar, which fell 6.2% this year, through August, against a broad basket of currencies including the euro, the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc.
"I am sitting inside the truck, watching a screen. The truck reels the tool back up out of the hole, slowly - more slowly than if you were reeling it in by hand - and foot by foot, the tool passes through all that dark mystery of time, emitting signals and picking up signals. I watch the tool's response to the formations it passes through on my screen, little green blips of radioactivity, and like an EKG, each blip indicates something...
By Renisha Chainani
Gold keeps finding new catalysts to rise and hit record highs every time. On 2nd August, despite news reports showing Republicans and Democrats are on the verge of resolving the debt-ceiling issue, it rose to view records of $1660.

Many of us anticipated a temporary correction lower in Gold when the deficit-ceiling impasse ended, because Gold had ran up roughly 10% from 1st July to entire month, a period when the debt-ceiling gridlock and potential for a default increasingly dominated headlines.
Commodity Online
Price forecast: Q3 11: $1725/oz; Q4 11: $1875/oz; 2012 annual average: $2000/oz

Gold prices tested fresh all-time intraday highs before dipping below $1800/oz this week; however the macro environment has become increasingly Gold favourable with central banks keeping interest rates unchanged, the SNB's (Swiss National Bank’s) decision to limit the strength of the CHF and continued uncertainty surrounding the state of the global economy. Good physical demand has emerged from price dips, and other central banks have announced they will add to their gold reserves. In turn, barring short-term corrections, we remain positive on gold.

NEW DELHI | Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:21pm IST

(Reuters) - In a nation whose love for gold is legendary, financial adviser Biju Daniel is one of scores of Indians who are rethinking how they amass riches through the precious metal.
Daniel's wife owns at least a kilogram of jewellery and he sports a gold watch. But he is also shrewd enough to realise that the world's biggest gold consumers are falling out of love with wearing their wealth, preferring to stock up on coins, bars and bullion-based investment funds as they look for returns safe from the ravages of inflation and the dictates of fashion.
Last updated on 8 September 2011 - 07:32pm
LONDON (Sept 8, 2011): Gold bounced back on Thursday as the previous session's dramatic 3% price slide tempted physical bullion buyers back to the market, with concerns over euro zone debt and the US economy firmly underpinning interest.
Financial markets are keenly awaiting key speeches on the US economy from President Barack Obama and Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke later, and the outcome of the latest policy meeting of the European Central Bank (ECB).
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Gold Bugs, Gold Bears and Melting Down Grandma's Ring - DailyFinance
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Emas dan perak adalah merupakan logam galian yang berharga kurniaan Allah SWT. Ia merupakan hasil bumi yang banyak manfaat kepada manusia dan manusia pula menjadikannya nilai tukaran wang bagi segala sesuatu. Sementara syariat pula mengibaratkan emas dan perak sebagai sesuatu kekayaan alam yang hidup dan berkembang. Syariat juga telah mewajibkan kedua-duanya boleh digunakan dalam bentuk wang atau kepingan, bekas bejana, cenderahati, ukiran atau perhiasan.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Commodities - Oil, Silver and gold prices - CNNMoney
5 reasons gold is headed for $3,000 - 1 - investing strategy - MSN Money
Monday, 5 September 2011

Perkataan karat diambil dari perkataan Latin iaitu kerátion (??????o?), atau dari perkataan Arab q?r?? (?????) dan juga dari perkataan Itali carato, yang bermaksud Biji Kacang Carob, Pada waktu dulu sebelum timbangan gram, oz atau mana2 berat standard digunakan, orang-orang tua kita menggunakan biji kacang carob (dikhabarkan setiap bijinya adalah sama walau dimana ia tumbuh) sebagai timbangan berat. Mengikut persamaan , 1 karat adalah bersamaan dengan 24 (berat emas)/(berat total item).

Mengikut pengetahuan hari ini taburan penemuan emas utama di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu terdapat di Jalur Tengah, iaitu dari Batu Melintang di Kelantan, menuju ke selatan melalui Sokor, Pulai, Selinsing, Raub, Chenderas hinggalah ke Gunung Ledang di Johor. Jumpaan terbaru dibuat di Jalur Timur iaitu di kawasan Mersing di Johor dan Lubuk Mandi di Terengganu.
Perlombongan emas di Malaysia hanya terhad di beberapa kawasan sahaja, ia dikenali sebagai Jalur Tengah yang terbentang dari kawasan tanah tinggi Batu Melintang, Jeli, Kelantan, sehingga Gunung Ledang di Johor. Lombong terbesar yang masih aktif di Malaysia adalah di Penjam,kuala lipis, ia mengeluarkan hampir 95% pengeluaran emas Malaysia. Tempat lain yang masih aktif adalah di Kuala Selinsing, Damar Reef dan Tersang di Pahang . Selain itu masih ada 5 lagi lombong di Jeli dan 6 lombong sekitar kawasan raub, kuala lipis di Pahang masih digali untuk aktiviti perlombongan komersial.

images 7 80x106 20 Sejarah emas di MalaysiaDalam kitab purba hindu dan Budha seperti Ramayana, Purana dan Raguwamsa, pendeta-pendeta hindu memanggil Semenanjung Malaysia sebagai semenanjung emas (suvarnabhumi) iaitu merujuk satu kawasan di Nusantara bagi mendapatkan bekalan emas ketika Tamadun Aryan memerintah di India.

Di dalam naskah Buddha yang paling tertua juga iaitu Jataka ada menceritakan perjalanan pelaut-pelaut India Kuno berlayar hingga ke Suvarnabhumi.

SEOUL 2 Ogos – Korea Selatan memperuntukan lebih AS$1 bilion bagi pembelian pertama emas dalam tempoh lebih sedekad ekoran ketidaktentuan pertumbuhan global dan tekanan hutang berdaulat bank-bank pusat dunia untuk mempelbagaikan rizab asingnya.

The golden constant

Gold coins

Since the 14th Century, gold’s purchasing power has maintained a broadly
constant level.To put this in practical terms, an ounce of gold has repeatedly
bought a mid-range outfit of clothing.This was true in the fourteenth century,
when an ounce of gold was worth £1.25 to £1.33;it was true in the late 18th
century and it remained true at the beginning of this century (2000 to 2008),
when an ounce of gold averaged £269 or $472. Even the exchange rate
between gold and commoditieshas been relatively constant over the centuries.
On the other hand, the US dollar that bought 14.5 loaves of bread in 1900 buys
only 3/4 of a loaf today.While inflation and other forces have ravaged the value
of the world’s currencies, gold has emerged with its capacity for wealth
preservation firmly intact. Being no-one’s liability, gold exhibits the same wealth
preserving qualities in the face of financial turmoil, earning a reputation as a
crisis hedge in addition to its credentials as an inflation hedge.
The Golden Constant: The English and American Experience 1560-2007
by Roy W Jastram with updated material by Jill Leyland.
Published 2009 by Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
(www.e-elgar.com), hardback, 368 pages, ISBN: 978 1 84720 261 1.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
MANILA, Philippines - Conglomerate First Pacific Co. Ltd. is looking to acquire gold and coal assets in Indonesia, managing director and chief executive officer Manuel V. Pangilinan said last week.
The move comes more than a year after First Pacific effectively gained control of Philex Mining Corp., the Philippines’ biggest gold producer. If successful, it could also be First Pacific’s next major acquisition outside the Philippines.
  • * Spot gold pulls back from record high; buying robust
    * India yet to make bulk purchase for wedding season
    By Rujun Shen
    SINGAPORE, Aug 24 (Reuters) - Gold buyers rushed into Asia's physical market on Wednesday, after prices retreated from the record high hit in the previous session, as investors maintained interest in bullion due to a shaky global growth outlook.
Reuters Aug 31, 2011, 01.30pm IST
SINGAPORE: Gold premiums in Singapore and Hong Kong rose on growing appetite for physical gold from Asia's investors, after prices fell off a record above $1,900 hit last week.
An upcoming festival and wedding season in India and a week-long holiday in early October in China are expected to help boost gold appetite.
"Prices came down from the peak last week -- this is the main cause behind the buying," said a Singapore-based trader, adding that most buying came from households seeking to use gold to hedge against inflation and economic uncertainties rather than jewellers.
NEW YORK - For what is normally a sleepy month, there are so many customers at the Gold Standard, a New York company that buys jewelry, that it feels like Christmas in August. Uncle Ben's Pawn Shop in Cleveland has never seen a rush like this.
Welcome to the new American gold rush. The price of gold is on a remarkable run, setting a record seemingly every other day. Stomach- churning volatility in the stock market this month has only made investors covet gold more.
Jobs report pushes traders to gold - Sep. 2, 2011
Saturday, 3 September 2011
LONDON, Sept 2 — Europe’s most indebted nations are under heavy pressure from their richer neighbours to sort out their finances, but they are unlikely to mimic the impoverished gentlefolk of old by selling off the family silver — or in their case, gold — to do so.
More than 750 tonnes of gold are currently sitting in the state coffers of Portugal, Greece and Spain alone, equal to about 17 per cent of the 2010 annual supply of bullion from mining and sales of scrap.
Despite struggling with massive debt burdens and in some cases accepting multi-billion-euro bailout packages, the so-called PIIGS — the countries above, plus Ireland and Italy — have not dipped into their gold reserves to service that debt.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
osted by Andrew Mickey - Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

Gold's incredible run has been a bit too far too fast for most investors.
Gold is up 54% in the past year.
That’s a big gain in any market. And from what recent history has taught most investors, that’s too far, too fast.
That's what I wrote last week...Gold prices fell about 10% in the next 48 hours.
But gold investors shouldn’t be too concerned about the short-term swings of the volatile gold market...
They should be focused on what’s really going on in the financial world — and how it will propel gold to currently unthinkable levels.
You're now thinking about gold.
We all are. (It's up $46 today).
And if you don't already own some — with global forecasts worsening by the day — you're seriously contemplating it.
Or at least, you should be...
Something changes inside a person when they feel the weight of that first bar or bars in their hand. It's not the shininess or surprising density; it's a feeling of security that washes over you as you hold — in your own palm — a building block of civilization.
It's magical.
Imagine a scenario where every time gold gains just 1%, you make 2%... A 25% gain pays 50%... a 100% gain pays 200%... a 500% gain pays you 1,000%...
  • Forbes says, "Just accept inflation and start making money"
  • Wall Street Journal reports, "[It's] recent ascent is enough to give some vertigo"
By Luke Burgess and Adam Sharp
The Gold-Silver Ratio
If you average out the price ratio between gold and silver (how many ounces of silver an ounce of gold will buy) throughout history, you land on a single magical proportion: 16 to 1. This chart is slightly outdated, but gets the point across nicely.
silver versus gold
And even experts who do not subscribe to fixed pricing relationships generally agree that a price ratio of 20 to 1 should be considered normal.
Posted by Ian Cooper - Thursday, December 16th, 2010

From Mineweb.com:
"While recent statistics show that China's gold imports have risen dramatically this year, despite China itself being the world's largest gold producer with mine production still rising to, anecdotal evidence suggests that this may just be the tip of the iceberg as Chinese people are, apparently, rushing to buy gold as an inflation hedge.
Posted by Adam Sharp - Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

gold vending machine
Gold vending machine operator Gold-to-Go has installed its first machine in London.
From The Telegraph:
The company behind the gold bar vending machines plans to install 50 across Britain over the next few years, allowing ordinary shoppers to invest in the precious metal as an investment.
Wealth Wire - Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

The dollar gold bullion price leapt 2.2% in less than an hour Tuesday lunchtime London time, hitting $1832 per ounce – still 4.2% off last week's all-time high – while commodities fell, US Treasury bonds rose and stocks were mixed as Greek debt worries affected the Eurozone.
"Conventional wisdom is that bullish sentiment on equities would mean bearish sentiment on gold," reckons one gold bullion dealer here in London.
Posted by Brittany Stepniak - Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

Gold switched back and forth between gains and losses today as U.S. stocks climbed for a fourth day.
On the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, gold just recently traded at $1,833.10 per ounce, gaining 0.2 percent, up $3.60.
Overall, gold has gained approximately 12 percent in the month of August and 30 percent over the course of the year. And analysts say the $1800-mark is a psychologically important number, showing investors still have serious doubts about a rebounding stock market.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Monday, 29 August 2011

To all our friends, colleagues and acquaintances,to our blogger friends and lovely readers, facebookers and twitters, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you   
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Thanks you for all the supports you have given to us throughout the years and we hope to be the your best service all times.
Fauzi & Zira Zairien

5052895509 dd5044d3db Pelaburan ASB Haram Kata Mufti Selangor 

Demand and supply

Gold is rare. Today there are 165,000 metric tonnes of stocks in existence above ground. If every single ounce of this gold were placed next to each other, the resulting cube of pure gold would only measure 20 metres in any direction.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Market analysts suggest that holders of physical gold control the market.
Whether it is gold bars or coins, whoever actually owns those pieces of gold are the investors who drive the market according to Julian Phillips from The Gold Forecaster. 
Yes, there are many ways to invest in gold and a plenty of reasons to do so, but most investors never actually own gold per se, but instead buy options or stocks.
Gold is officially the most desirable precious metal, asset, and safe-haven in these tough economic times, and seasons of political unrest.
According to the Aug. 11-14 Gallup poll, 34 percent of Americans choose gold as the best investment option. Real estate is in second place, then stocks/mutual funds, followed by savings accounts and CDs, with bonds as the fourth top-rated investment.


Despite its unrivalled properties, gold is an inert material. It does nothing until man discovers it, mines and refines it and bends it to his will. So the history of gold is very much the history of civilisation. Here are some points in time where that history was made.
Thursday, 25 August 2011

Monday, 22 August 2011
Today's silver update shows that it almost compensated for all of the recent falls in the first week of the month.
Friday, 19 August 2011

By Tony Daltorio
Investors are well aware of many of the reasons for having gold as part of their portfolio. Lately, these reasons have swirled around macroeconomic concerns -- the U.S. debt rating downgrade , possible sovereign defaults in the eurozone and the possibility of more money printing from the Federal Reserve via a third round of quantitative easing.

Venezuela holds almost 60% of its physical gold reserves in the US, Canada, England and Switerland.  Now in an effort to diverisfy its holdings away from US and European financial institutions, Chavez wants to repatriate the precious metal.
“We’ve held 99 tons of gold at the Bank of England since 1980. I agree with bringing that home,” Chavez said yesterday on state television. “It’s a healthy decision.”1
Wednesday, 17 August 2011

BANGALORE | Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:27am EDT
(Reuters) - With gold prices up nearly 16 percent to record highs since Standard & Poor's downgraded U.S. credit, and growing fears of a double-dip recession, the precious metal could go on to hit $3,000 an ounce within 2-3 years, said a portfolio manager at AGF Precious Metals Fund.
It's been exactly 40 years since Nixon abandoned the gold standard, making your money only as valuable as the hope behind it.nixon gold
While that single pen stroke was a death blow for the dollar — and has led us down a path of fiscal ruin culminating in the downgrading of our debt — one fact remains clear...

Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Mengetahui sebab-sebab dan kesan-kesan inflasi dan belajar bagaimana mengatasinya.
Kira-kira 30 tahun yang lalu, sepinggan nasi lemak berharga kurang daripada RM1. Hari ini, ia telah naik sehingga RM5, jadi jangan terkejut untuk membayar lebih dari RM10 untuk sarapan pagi anda dalam dekad yang akan datang!
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Salam sejahtera,
ramai yang masih menunggu ilham dan masa yang tepat untuk membeli emas. Jadi di sini saya kongsikan analisis pergerakan harga emas dan ramalan pergerakan harga emas. Mungkin ini dapat membantu anda untuk mengenalpasti masa terbaik untuk membeli emas :)

Friday, 12 August 2011
Dear BullionVault client,
I don't want to be a nuisance but you might like to know about this. My apologies if you don't.
BullionVault is one of the fastest growing businesses on the web. You can participate and earn a no-nonsense 25% share of our gross commission by introducing gold and BullionVault.com to your own website's visitors.
It takes two minutes to set up using this simple link: http://www.bullionvault.com/#HIJRAHDINAR
You can learn more here in our help pages here.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (JPM) said they see gold prices steadily climbing over $2,000 this year, reaching $2,500 by the year's end.

We haven't seen a gold-trend like this since the 1970s, peaking around 1980, but the current global economy could re-create a similar "parabolic" pattern for gold within the next few months.
Dear Energy and Capital Reader,
There's no time to waste...
Gold is entering mania stage. JP Morgan has already said it sees prices at $2,500 per ounce by the end of the year. That's another 45% increase in the next four months!
Back in April gold spiked to prices hovering around the $1500 range. At that time, Goldline International Inc. predicted gold would surge to $1700 per ounce by 2015...
Fast foward just about three months later, and we've already hit the spot. Today, Monday, August 8 2011: gold reached $1700, and is properly positioned to hike even further in response to Standard & Poor's slashing of the U.S. credit rating on Friday.
Gold is huge right now. More valuable than other commodities and safer than other currencies. It's officially here to stay. And silver's not far behind...
Prices are falling slightly after surpassing records (remember: buy on dips!) earlier this week. Take a look at the charts. Then read the article to see the growth prospects that lie ahead for these two precious metals.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Gold prices surged past $1,800 an ounce on Thursday as investors bought up the safe haven as markets around the world slump due to ongoing fears about the global economy.
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Syukur Allah mengizinkan kita mengecapi nikmat iman dan Islam...
Syukur Allah mengurniakan kita satu bulan yang penuh dengan barokah...
Syukur Allah jadikan padanya satu malam yang lebih baik sari seribu bulan...
Syukur Allah naungi kita dengan rahmat dan hidayahnya...
Syukur Allah pertemukan lagi kita dengan bulan yang mulia ini...RAMADHAN AL MUBARAK.


Mohamad Fauzi
Hijrah Dinar Admin.
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
untuk makluman semua saya akan mengadakan satu program/taklimat "RAHSIA KEKUATAN EKONOMI ISLAM" dengan kerjasama Koperasi Pembangunan Kampung Tradisional Guar Perahu Pulau Pinang Berhad.

Tempat : Dewan Koperasi Pembangunan Kampung Tradisional Guar Perahu Pulau Pinang Berhad
Tarikh :  24 Julai 2011 (Ahad)
 Masa :  3:00 Petang

Anda semua dijemput dan kedatangan anda amat dialu-alukan.
Sila hubungi En. Zambri (013-433 0458) untuk maklumat lanjut.
Sekian, terimakasih..

Mohamad Fauzi
Hijrah Dinar

Menyelusuri sejarah, dinar emas telah menjadi piawai bagi mata wang dunia, selama beribu-ribu tahun, sehinggalah ia diganti kepada wang kertas dolar hanya pada awal tahun 1970-an.
"Ekonomi Amerika Syarikat (AS) yang menjadi tonggak kepada ekonomi kapitalis kini berada pada tahap terburuk dan lembap. Kelembapan itu turut menjangkiti negara-negara lain di dunia. Tiga per empat daripada dolarnya berada diluar negara dengan nilai yang terus menyusut.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Posted by Brittany Stepniak - Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

It's an adventure story worthy of a movie. The only thing that's missing is Indiana Jones.
In Thiruvananthapuram India, locked vaults inside a 16th-century Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple hold a plethora of riches ranging from gold coins, trinkets, and golden statues, to diamonds and a surplus of precious stone jewels.
Posted by Brittany Stepniak - Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

The short-term trend for silver has switched back to positive, for now. The metal has outperformed gold in recent trading sessions. So far in July silver has gained $2.22 per ounce. Over the next few weeks, prices are expected to fluctuate between $32.00 and $39.00.
Posted by Brittany Stepniak - Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Gold prices are projected to take some dips this week. Is the bubble popping...or was gold even in a bubble at all?
Saturday, 2 July 2011
By Greg McCoach
Get ready. We are now entering the final stages in the collapse of the U.S. dollar...
And it's not going to be pretty. may 2011 gold flakes on blue
The massive increases in money supplies will tank the value of the dollar and erode the very fabric of America's economic security.
As a result, gold and silver prices are will no doubt skyrocket, despite the short-term major volatility we've recently seen.
This fascinating graph from The Economist shows a list of countries ordered by the amount of gold they hold on a per-citizen basis.
Amidst 5% inflation and mounting concerns about the dollar, China is increasingly turning to gold. Both the central bank, and its citizens.
It's not just bars and coins either. Gold jewelry sales are surging as wages rise.
Published 04/20/2011 - 13:00 *Originally published on StreetAuthority.com and re-published with permission.
By Steven Orlowski
I recently watched the classic man-eating fish movie "Jaws" and the latest action in the precious metals space reminded me of the tagline for the film, "Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water…"
Is it safe to swim in the water? Or is Jaws still lurking out there, the physical embodiment of a financial world gone lethal? Can gold still protect us?

India's gold and silver imports surged 500% from April to May, reaching $8.96 billion according to Mineweb. May's numbers were up 222% compared to 2010.

Silver remains to be the hottest commodity to purchase, says global commodities guru Jim Rogers.
Yes, there has been a downward trend in commodities in recent weeks, but Rogers says not to fear, the bull market in the sector is still intact.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Following four sessions of sizeable losses in value, precious metals climbed along with crude oil this morning as a vote on the implementation of required austerity measures neared in Greece. Prime Minister Papandreou’s proposed 78 billion euro program of spending cuts and asset sales faces a tough sell but is the prerequisite to the release of some 12 billion euros in payments coming from the initially approved bailout package.
New Delhi: Silver prices rose by Rs 510 to Rs 51,160 per kg in futures trading on Wednesday as speculators enlarged their positions on the back of a firming global trend. At the Multi Commodity Exchange, silver for delivery in July rose by Rs 510, or 1.01 per cent, to Rs 51,160 per kg, with a business turnover of 6,774 lots.
Similarly, the metal for delivery in September moved up by Rs 510, or 0.99 per cent, to Rs 52,072 per kg, with an open interest of 1,632 lots.
Market analysts said fresh buying by speculators in tandem with a firming global trend mainly pushed up silver futures prices.
Meanwhile, silver traded 0.38 per cent higher at USD 34.07 an ounce in the Asian region.
 SINGAPORE, June 29 (Reuters) - Gold edged higher on
Wednesday, as investors are optimistic that Greece's parliament
will approve an austerity plan later in the day, underpinning
sentiment in bullion and other commodities. 
Saya bagi pihak Hijrah Dinar ingin menghebohkan bahawa Cik Siti Aminah Bt Abdul Muin adalah wakil bagi
Hijrah Dinar bagi Zon Tengah Khususnya kawasan Wilayah Persekutuan / Kuala Lumpur.

Kesempatan ini juga saya ingin mengalu-alukan kedatangan Cik Siti Aminah ke dalam keluarga Hijrah Dinar semoga dengan kedatangan Cik Siti Aminah dapat mengembangkan lagi jenama Hijrah Dinar dalam pemasaran emas ini.

Kepada bakal pelanggan yang berada di sekitar Wilayah Persekutuan / Kuala Lumpur boleh menghubungi Cik Siti Aminah untuk maklumat lanjut dan pembelian dinar emas.

Sekian, Terimakasih..
Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:55am BST
 SINGAPORE, June 21 (Reuters) - Gold edged up on Tuesday and
held near its highest in two weeks on a softer U.S. dollar
against the euro and growing fears that Greece could end
up defaulting on its debt.
Sumber: Blog Umaralfateh

Alhamdulillah, bersyukur kepada Allah, yang masih memberikan kesempatan ruang waktu kepada saya untuk terus berkongsi apa-apa yang dirasakan baik berdasarkan neraca iman yang telah Allah berikan, Alhamdulillah.
Mengerjakan haji merupakan salah satu daripada Rukun Islam yang lima. Setiap orang Islam yang mempunyai kemampuan, diwajibkan mengerjakan haji sekali seumur hidup. Firman Allah Taala :

“Menjadi suatu kewajipan ke atas setiap manusia (orang-orang mukmin) pergi mengerjakan haji ke Baitullah, iaitu bagi mereka yang mempunyai kemampuan. Barangsiapa yang kufur (ingkar), maka ketahuilah bahawa sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kaya (tidak memerlukan sesuatu pun) daripada pihak lain (alam).”
Assalamualaikum kepada semua para pembaca,

Baru-baru ini saya ada post artikel mengenai simpanan haji melalui Dinar Emas. Seperti mana kebiasaan kita menyimpan untuk kos mengerjakan haji selalu nya di Lembaga Tabung Haji. Memang betul ianya satu badan atau institusi untuk simpanan dan meyelenggarakan urusan haji bagi para jemaah di Malaysia.
Monday, 20 June 2011
By June 30, 2011, America will face its toughest decision in more than 200 years: Either declare our nation insolvent, or send the price of everything you buy through the roof.
The following document outlines precisely what you need to do to avoid the coming...
By Christian A. DeHaemer | Monday, June 13th, 2011
Here is a five year chart comparing the Dollar ETF (NYSE: UUP) to the Gold ETF (NYSE: GLD).
By Luke Burgess | Tuesday, June 14th, 2011
As the world's top gold producer and second largest consumer, China is the single most important player in the global gold arena.
Last year, Chinese gold demand grew by 32% — reaching nearly 25,000,000 ounces for the first time in history. Yet despite the country's seemingly insatiable appetite for the yellow metal today, world leaders are concerned the demand for gold could get out of hand...
By Greg McCoach
Get ready. We are now entering the final stages in the collapse of the U.S. dollar...
And it's not going to be pretty.
 Adam Sharp - Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

Standard Chartered just released a 64-page outlook for gold, and the bulls will be pleased with its findings. Its authors say $5,000 gold is likely in the near future.
The report highlights a worldwide lack of new production and increasing demand from Asia. More from CNBC:
This list shows how countries stack up in terms of gold reserves.
In an otherwise quiet article about central banks today, Bloomberg quoted an analyst who says China may use up to a third of their $3 trillion in foreign reserves to purchase gold.
China has been moving away from the dollar, and into alternative stores of wealth for years now.
But $1 trillion into gold? If it happens, such a large move would further threaten the dollar's status as reserve currency. It would also provide further buying pressure in gold for years to come (as the dollar crumples into a pitiful heap on the floor).
Sunday, 19 June 2011

Hyderabad, June 17 (IANS) Around Rs.12 crore in cash and nearly 100 kg of gold were found from Yajur Mandir, the personal chamber of late spiritual guru Sathya Sai Baba, at Prashanti Nilayam in Puttaparthi of Anantapur district, a trust official said.
Kesohoran dinar sebagai satu matawang rasmi dalam sektor ekonomi sudah lama tersemat dalam lembaran sejarah Tamadun Islam. Dewasa ini komoditi ini seringkali dicanangkan sebagai instrumen alternatif dalam aktiviti ekonomi dunia semasa. Fakta ini adalah berasaskan kepada nilai intrinsik atau tersendiri yang diyakini boleh digunapakai secara lebih meluas serta konsisten. Namun demikian, masih ramai belum mengetahui dari mana dan bagaimana ia boleh berkembang sehingga menjadi satu matawang utama dalam kronologi ketamadunan Islam.

Penggunaan dinar emas menggantikan mata wang dalam sistem perniagaan dapat membantu mengurangkan kesan akibat krisis kewangan yang berlaku sekarang.

Naib Canselor Universiti Malaya (UM), Profesor Datuk Dr. Ghauth Jasmon berkata, penggunaan dinar emas adalah praktikal ketika ini memandangkan nilai emas yang sentiasa meningkat.
WANG dan sistem kewangan banyak berkaitan dengan penghasilan kekayaan. Malah, ramai beranggapan wang itu sendiri adalah kekayaan. Dalam hal ini, institusi kewangan memainkan peranan penting.

Institusi kewangan berperanan memobilisi simpanan sedia ada serta menyalurkan kepada pelabur supaya dapat digandakan untuk kekayaan dan penghasilan modal. Peranan dimainkan institusi kewangan ini tidak boleh dipandang remeh.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
(Kitco News) - How the situation in Greece unfolds over the coming days could influence the precious metals market into next week, market participants said Friday.

As Greece teeters on the brink of default and civil unrest rises in the country over sharp spending cuts, gold has seen some safe-haven buying emerge as investors flee riskier assets.
Friday, 17 June 2011
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research has a technical Sell on Silver Ridge Holdings Bhd at 20 sen, at which it is trading at a price-to-book value of 1.0 times.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Diciptakannya emas dan perak oleh Allah menurut Imam Ghazali adalah agar emas dan perak ini digunakan sebagai hakim atau timbangan yang adil untuk menilai barang-barang dalam bermuamalah. Hal ini sejalan dengan banyaknya ayat-ayat al-Quran yang memerintahkan kita untuk menegakkan timbangan atau neraca yang berarti juga menegakkan keadilan.
http://www.jsmineset.com/While stock markets and other asset classes getting mauled, real money, gold and silver, are attempting to hold their ground, today King World News interviewed legendary Jim Sinclair.  When asked about the action Sinclair stated, “Well I think the gold market today is acting extraordinarily well being on the positive side when every other asset that people can find are being thrown out the window, especially in the equity markets...Where gold is concerned you are dealing with the condition of the international banks, with the balance sheets of the financial entities of the world.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
San Antonio, Texas-- (Kitco News) Gold should trade to just over $1,600 an ounce by the end of 2011 and silver should be flirting with $50 an ounce as governments will need to maintain a loose monetary policy despite the phasing out of stimulus packages in the U.S., according to the director of a major research firm.
Philip Newman, research director of GFMS, said in an interview on the sidelines of the International Precious Metals Institute’s Precious Metals Conference here there may be too much focus in the markets on the second quantitative easing versus a possible third program.
Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera para pembaca semua.
Apa khabar ?
Diharap anda sihat sentiasa dan ceria.
Pada januari 31,2011 lalu, saya memantau harga emas. Apa akan
jadi agaknya kalau harga emas terus turun?
Adakah mereka yang melabur dalam emas akan kehilangan
sebahagian besar nilai pelaburan mereka?
The story of gold is as rich and complex as the metal itself.
Wars have been fought for it; love has been declared with it. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs portray gold as the brilliance of the sun; modern astronomers use mirrors coated with gold to capture images of the heavens.
The World Gold Council is committed to the development of a truly sustainable gold mining industry.
Mining has broad social and economic benefits for developing and developed countries alike. Responsibly produced gold contributes to the economic and social development of local communities whilst providing important national revenue for countries with gold reserves.
The World Gold Council is the global authority on gold and its uses, and the first source of informed opinion and advice for stakeholders and decision makers. Our research provides authoritative analysis of key aspects of the gold market. We provide comprehensive market intelligence, helping to inform your strategic decisions. Our programmes and market interventions provide unique insights and add value to our partners and stakeholders across all sectors.


The World Gold Council’s investment research programme provides investors around the world with key information about the dynamics of the gold market and about the investment properties of gold as an asset class.
We publish a wide range of research papers looking at gold's investment characteristics. Our research examines gold’s special characteristics as a store of value, inflation and currency hedge, and portfolio diversifier.


The World Gold Council conducts research into the existing and emerging technology related markets for gold. Technology related uses of gold in industrial applications, including electronics, dentistry, medicine and nanotechnology, account for around 12% of gold demand (an annual average of over 434 tonnes from 2005 to 2009). Our market intelligence and insights allow us to develop technologies and support markets in a way that protects, strengthens and expands the role gold plays in industrial applications.
Precious metals prices dipped today as New York opened despite more evidence that Greece likely to default (at least technically) and strong industrial demand for silver.
Author: Julian Phillips
After a quiet and steady week, gold jumped in New York yesterday.   In Asia, after New York's higher close at $1,540, the gold price was steady, which was surprising because it was in the face of a stronger dollar.   The result was the gold in the euro jumped from below €1,049 to €1,064.  
It was not until London opened that the gold price started to move slightly up to $1,543.   At London's morning Fix it was set at $1,541.00 and in the euro at €1,064.45.   Gold is still consolidating.
OPEC discussion on Wednesday led to another technical hick up. It centered on whether or not the current slip-up in global growth is a result of too high oil prices. The Saudi’s on one side kept saying that high prices are having an impact, and should be lowered to support the global economy, but Iran insisted the world is slowing down anyway and increasing output may lower prices below $80, damaging its ability to fund domestic projects.
Monday, 13 June 2011
(Kitco News) - Comex gold futures prices are trading steady to weaker and silver is lower in quieter early dealings, as much of Europe is on holiday Monday. Lower crude oil prices are modestly bearish for the precious metals markets to start the new trading week. August gold last traded down $0.80 an ounce at $1,528.40. Spot gold last traded down $4.80 an ounce at $1,527.75. July Comex silver last traded down $0.697 at $35.63 an ounce.
Saturday, 11 June 2011
             Emas Se Amas = 2.551 gm
             Emas Se Rial =2.70 gm
             Emas Se Kupang = 0.64 gm
             Emas 2 Kupang = 1.28 gm     ( Kupang Terengganu )
             Emas 6 Suku ( sama dengan 1½ mayam ) = 5.06 gm
             Emas 5 Busak ( sama dengan ½ Mayam ) = 1.69 gm
             Emas 1 Mayam = 3.37 gm

             Hina Besi kerana karat        Mulia Emas kerana kilat





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