Abu Bakar Abi Maryam melaporkan bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda :

"Akan tiba suatu zaman dimana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham (untuk digunakan)"

Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
Friday, 12 August 2011
Gold is huge right now. More valuable than other commodities and safer than other currencies. It's officially here to stay. And silver's not far behind...
Prices are falling slightly after surpassing records (remember: buy on dips!) earlier this week. Take a look at the charts. Then read the article to see the growth prospects that lie ahead for these two precious metals.

spot gold

How sentiment has changed. From a shaky start this year the gold price has soared in what is usually a weak time for the yellow metal which tends to pick up in September as the Indian festival season starts to get into full swing. How much of a dampener the prevailing high price levels will put on demand there later in the year remains to be seen.
Now moves are being made to dampen speculation in gold on COMEX, but so far seem to have had relatively little serious impact in percentage terms, which could be an ominous sign for gold short sellers banking on a serious correction after the recent $300 rise in 3 months.  A correction is perhaps likely anyway, but the depth of such may be relatively small - again in percentage terms.  It remains to be seen how U.S. markets today will see the COMEX increased margin requirement of around 22%, but few expect it to have the drastic effect the raised margin requirements did on silver just over 3 months ago which, coupled with some strange weekend dealings when markets were closed, led to silver falling from close to $50 an ounce back to below $34 - much to the short position holders' relief!
But for gold, which is a much bigger, and wider, market, such seeming manipulation by those with huge sums to lose if the price remains at current levels, does not look to be even possible.
But what we do need to be aware of from an investment perspective is that gold and silver miners will be potentially enormously more profitable than they were only at the beginning of the current year!  At the start of trading in January the gold price opened at around $1400 and silver around $30, and both fell back in the first two months of the year.  Miners that were profitable at those levels will be hugely more so now with the gold price having reached nearly $400 an ounce higher and silver nearly $9 higher (both up nearly 30%) in the period.  Not enough recognition is being taken by the markets yet of this seemingly obvious observation, although a number of analysts are beginning to comment on this strange lack of understanding of the rising profit potential for gold and silver stocks.


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