Abu Bakar Abi Maryam melaporkan bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda :

"Akan tiba suatu zaman dimana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham (untuk digunakan)"

Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Silver remains to be the hottest commodity to purchase, says global commodities guru Jim Rogers.
Yes, there has been a downward trend in commodities in recent weeks, but Rogers says not to fear, the bull market in the sector is still intact.

Rogers, whose commodities knowledge is unmatched across the planet says that although the commodities trend is a bit negative, he says that is it nothing unusual. 
“This is the way the world works,” Rogers said in an interview with IndexUniverse.com. “If you look at oil, for instance, it has gone down over 50% three or four different times since 1998. That's what markets do, and they will continue to do that.”
He continues on to say that he still really likes silver over any other commodity and will for the rest of the decade. He is ready to buy silver if the price comes down after the surge in price to nearly $50 in April didn't look healthy and was hoping for a withdrawal.
“Well, I'm long silver, and if it goes down more, I hope I'm smart enough to buy more,” he said. “I didn't particularly like seeing it spike, because anything that turns into a parabolic move has to be sold. And I don't want to sell my silver. I want to own it 10 years from now. Fortunately, that spike did break, and I find that encouraging and bullish.”
Rogers, who is the author of the best selling books like Hot Commodities and A Bull in China, said that commodities prices will continue to rise in the years to come as populations are growing in size and prosperity in Asia, bringing with that growth an upgraded and voluminous diet—the demand side of the price equation.


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